Fine Details for the Perfect Usages for PRO Controller

Initially, the MegaMods PRO controller was created for the consoles. The PS4 is the machine of choice of FPS (shooter) and RPG (role play), so we mainly use the keyboard and mouse.
However, genres tend to mix and it is now common to play action games, combat and sports on PC, especially now that publishers adapt some games planned for consoles directly on PC by offering similar versions.
1. To improve the comfort of play and play in very good conditions on your computer as game console, just plug a controller (or a pad) on the PS4.
2. There are various controllers specifically dedicated to computers.
3. To be sure of not missing anything, it is important to opt for at least one pad with a cross, two analog PS4 controllers (four axes), four buttons and two digital triggers.
Worth Noting
Note that more elaborate models can incorporate a force feedback system, buttons and additional options. The user can also choose a low wire version or wireless more flexible to use but requires a power supply.
Good to know: More and more console consoles latest generations are compatible with PCs. Nevertheless, not all games are compatible with these controllers, it is better to inquire before any purchase.
PS4 controllers And Flight Simulations
This type of accessory is ideal for certain racing games or 3D flight simulations. In recent years, the PS4 controller has also undergone many changes and ergonomic improvements.
It is at the base of a handle with buttons-presses, placed on a base.
Thus the PS4 controller consists of throttle controls to adjust the engine power, a rudder corresponding to the rudder, or coolie hat type buttons (usually Chinese hat, usually on the top).
PS4 controllers
Most PS4 controllers have also become interactive. They act on the user using a force feedback system (or force feedback) or through mechanical vibrations. The player can live fully certain action scenes or feel the vibrations live, for example when he enters an area of turbulence.
The most advanced high-end items guarantee the player a surgical and durable precision, a realistic pressing force of the buttons and switches, and countless different functions depending on the models.
It is now common that today we are talking about HOTAS (Hands on Throttle and Stick literally hands on the gas and the stick) when referring to the utilities to the flight simulation. They include several controllers, many buttons and even a pedal to simulate a real cockpit plane.
The Steering Wheel andThe Car Simulation Accessories
For racing game enthusiasts, nothing likes a steering wheel with pedals and gear lever.
These accessories bring an unprecedented realism and allow a total immersion in the universe of the video game.
With a wide weighted base for optimum stability, the ability to adapt the steering wheel to the sizes, backlit positions to configure your race car or a specific grip for perfect comfort, the most powerful models provide sensations stunning.
The steering wheel:
1. It can be equipped with a force feedback and will give you the feeling of being at the heart of the action when your car collides or makes very tight skids.
2. It usually has a rubbery texture to provide a nice touch and paddle shifts and buttons that allow you to fully optimize you’re driving.